Sunday, November 11, 2007

11/11/07 - Our New Group Forum

We are pleased to throw open the doors and invite you to visit the new Lexington KY Comic Creators Group Forum! Check it out by following this link.

This is a companion discussion area where messages can be exchanged, projects can be built and members can hang out. This new forum is an added online arena where we can share information and resources.

Currently the forum is divided into Group News, Comic Projects and Discussion. It can expand in any way that you like so feedback is ALWAYS welcome. Please drop by, make yourself comfortable and post away!

You will need a login ID and password, but we're already on the case for you…

Option 1 - If you've been to a recent monthly meeting you should have received an e-mail containing your login and password this afternoon. If you received that e-mail, you are pre-registered and ready to roll. Once logged in, you can change that password and customize the account as you wish.

Option 2 - If you didn't get and e-mail would like us to handle all the mechanics of registration, just e-mail Chuck Moore and he’ll handle everything.

Option 3 - If you would prefer to register on your own, simply click here and follow the steps. It only takes a couple minutes.

We look forward to seeing you in the forum!

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