Monday, September 29, 2008

09/29/08 - Orphan Works Act - Rep Chandler's Previous Response

Update: 11:00am - I just called Congressman Chandler's local district office (219-1366) to inquire about his support for S2913 or HR5889 (Orphan Works Act - Senate and House Bills). Please call and let him know your opposition to these bills and make the same inquiry so we can maybe get some attention directed to this issue while everyone is looking at the Home Mortgage Bailout! Becky at his office is going to fax my inquiry to his Washington Office. Stay tuned for more...

Here are some points of contention with this legislation:
  • The high cost of digitizing and registering work with commercial databases will make compliance impossible for most artists.
  • This will cause billions of unregistered works to fall into the public domain.
  • To make money, commercial databases will have to promote and facilitate infringement.
  • Infringer-friendly databases will compete with artists for clients.

This is the response letter I received from Ben Chandler's office after completing the online letter campaign earlier this summer to voice my opposition to the Orphan Works Act.

August 13, 2008

Dear Mr. Gilpin:

Thank you for contacting me with your views regarding H.R. 5889, the Orphan Works Act of 2008. As your representative in Congress, I think the most important part of my job is to understand your concerns so I can better represent the Sixth District in our nation's capital.

As you may know, the U.S. Copyright Office conducted a study in 2006 to identify the problems that have incurred with orphan works. Orphan works are defined as works which have owners who are difficult or even impossible to locate. This can often lead to unintentional infringement by subsequent artists and creators. As with most sensitive intellectual property issues, some of these situations can be addressed by existing copyright law, but many cannot.

H.R. 5889 was introduced on April 24, 2008 and provides compensation for owners harmed by deliberate infringements while also limiting the penalties for infringers who were diligent in their efforts to locate the copyright owner. This bill is currently awaiting consideration by the House Committee on the Judiciary.

While there are good reasons to reform our intellectual property laws, I also believe this bill, as written, may have unintended consequences for artists that would infringe upon their intellectual property rights. I will continue to closely monitor this issue as it moves through the House and will keep your thoughts in mind.

I appreciate the time you have taken to contact me about this matter. I hope you will stay in touch and contact my Lexington or Washington office if I can be of any further assistance.


Ben Chandler
Member of Congress

I certainly hope that this letter indicates his OPPOSITION to the coming house bill!

The backers of this legislation SNUCK their Senate version of the bill through with a tactic called Hotlining - where the Senators are rushed to vote and don't even read the bill they are voting on!!!

09/28/08 - Nonpartisan Reporting - Orphan Works Act - Educate Yourself!

Many of you probably don't even know what the Orphan Works Act is or how it's passage into law will effect your life. Here are several articles or blog posts to consider:

Print media articles:

Animation World Network

National Cartoonists Society

American Association of Editorial Cartoonists
Professional Photography Groups: (yes, you guys need to ACT too! Any visual art work is at RISK!!)

This bill is regressive and pro big business - most artists are small business - we must stand up now to this legislation that will adversely effect our ability to make a living!

The international Copyright Law called the Berne Convention states that"no artist should be subjected to mandatory registration to allow for copyright protection"!

"Under the Berne Convention, copyrights for creative works do not have to be asserted or declared, as they are automatically in force at creation: an author need not "register" or "apply for" a copyright in countries adhering to the Berne Convention. As soon as a work is "fixed", that is, written or recorded on some physical medium, its author is automatically entitled to all copyrights in the work, and to any derivative works unless and until the author explicitly disclaims them, or until the copyright expires. The Berne Convention also resulted in foreign authors being treated equivalently to domestic authors, in any country signed onto the Convention. The UK signed the Berne Convention in 1887 but did not implement large parts of it until 100 years later with the passage of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act of 1988. The USA did not sign the Berne Convention until 1989."

Sunday, September 28, 2008

09/28/08 - Band Together STOP HR5889 Orphan Works Act - Congress has let us down!!

To all my Artist Friends,

Recent Development (fact checked see below):

Please read this Sunday 9/28/08 (today) post by Brad Holland of the Illustrators Partnership:

I trust this site and it sound like some nasty tomfoolery has allowed this bill to pass the US Senate. Yes, Gladys this is real.


Or else our livelihoods as visual artists will be greatly reduced (more overhead to register with private registries ($50 per registration) for a right we have now for FREE) and imperiled (no damages for COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT - no lawyer will ever take your case on commission)!!

OK here is DUE DILIGENCE - I have fact checked and it looks REAL! Links from a project to track congress"

Here is a link to the Senate bill (S2913) showing passage on 9/26/08: (Yes Sen McConnell (KY) has let us down AGAIN!!)

Here is a link to the House bill (HR5889) which can still be stopped: (Will Rep. Chandler (KY) step up?)

Jonathan Gilpin
Lexington KY Comic Creators Group

Saturday, September 27, 2008

09/27/08 - Education - Living Arts & Sciences Adult Art Classes Fall 2008

I am thrilled to see more adult art education opportunities in Lexington this Fall. Besides the resurrected UK Fine Arts Institute (UKFAI) (classes have already begun - not sure if you can enroll anymore?) - we have the following classes offered by a venerable Lexington institution: the Living Arts and Science Center (LASC). I know several of these instructors and suspect as long as they have adequate resources for supplies and materials (a real issue for many of these classes - so always inquire) they will do everything in their power to help their students succeed! Remember to think of LASC when you are considering charitable giving - the Joseph-Beth Gives Back program is an excellent and easy way to help fund a tremendously under evaluated arts program that has served the arts and crafts education needs of Lexington's children, youth and adults for more than 30 years! Why, I even took a bird drawing class there, while a mere lad of thirteen (circa 1976?) - wish I still had those pictures or knew who instructed that class!

Teen & Adult Classes

October 2-30

12. The Silver Process: From Blank Film to Finished Print
Sarah Marie Miller

Discover the world through the eye of a machine: a 35 mm camera! You will learn to shoot a meaningful photograph, process your own film, and print from negatives. We will often work in the darkroom, so you’ll also learn to conquer your fear of the dark. Bring a snack and your own camera if you have one.
AGES..............Teens and Adults
LIMIT..............6 students
TIME...............5:30 - 8:30 pm
COST..............$150/160 (nm)


October 9-30

Beginning Rigid Heddle Weaving
Beth Rosdatter

We will learn how to plan our own individual design, how to ‘warp’ the loom, and weave our projects. The rigid heddle loom is a basic loom that will allow you to weave light work, such as placemats, dishtowels, scarves, shawls or fabric for clothing. The skills and techniques you learn using a rigid heddle loom are all transferable to other types of looms. Depending on your project choice there may be an extra cost of $15 to $25 for your yarn.
AGES..............10 yrs - Adult
LIMIT..............8 students
TIME...............7 - 8 pm
COST..............$40/50 (nm)

14. Realistic Drawing 101
Donna Eads

Develop powers of observation and analysis by learning to draw. Drawing is the foundation of art and just like a new language, it can be mastered. With a variety of media, students will expand their technical skills including realistic rendering, shading, texture, three-dimensional shapes and composition. This class is for individuals with no prior experience, and for those who wish to further develop their skills.
TIME...............7 - 9 pm
COST..............$65/75 (nm)

Tuesday and Thursday
October 14 and 16

Two-Day Workshop

18. Creating Digital Art
Bruce Frank

An overview of the process of creating art using a computer. Included is an introduction to Adobe Photoshop (retouching, color correction, special effects) and using a graphics tablet with Corel Painter (drawing and painting with a computer). Students will have hands-on experience scanning images, creating an art piece, and printing it.
AGES..............15 - Adults
TIME...............6 - 8 pm
COST..............$45/55 (nm).


December 18

One-Day Workshop

19. Multiculturalism
Christine Kuhn

Throughout history, religious ideas have motivated and inspired people and sometimes provoked war. In this class we’ll look at different religions and how beliefs are expressed in beautiful artforms. We’ll create some of our own beautiful images and shrines to express some of our own beliefs. CKCPJ
AGES..............Teens and Adults
TIME...............12 - 2 pm
COST..............$15/25 (nm)

November 4-25

Photoshop: The Basics
Steven Littrell

Have you had trouble getting those photos off your camera? Don’t know to which format you should save your files? This class is just for you. We’ll go over the basics of Photoshop, how to manipulate photos and get them ready to print or upload them to the web. This class is great for artists who want to get their work into a digital format. If you have a laptop feel free to bring it with you.
LIMIT..............6 students
TIME...............6 - 8 pm
COST..............$65/75 (nm)

November 5-19

Intro to Oil Painting for Homeschooled Teens and Interested Adults
Frank Boyer

Oil Paint has very unique qualities that can produce beautiful effects. Learn the elements of good composition, color mixing, and techniques specific to oil painting. Materials will be provided. You are welcome to bring your own brushes.
AGES..............Teens - Adults
TIME...............2:30 - 4:30 pm
COST..............$80/90 (nm)

November 6 and 13, December 4 and 11

Scandinavian Holiday Crafts
Beth Rossdatter
Learn to craft decorations and gifts using Northern European traditional techniques. Learn how to craft charming Scandinavian holiday embellishments using straw, paper and foil. Note:This class will meet twice in November and then continue twice in December.

AGES..............10 yrs - Adults
TIME...............6 - 7:30 pm
COST..............$50/60 (nm)

November 8-22

Intro to Oil Painting
Frank Boyer

Oil Paint has very unique qualities that can produce beautiful effects. Learn the elements of good composition, color mixing, and techniques specific to oil painting. Materials will be provided. You are welcome to bring your own brushes.
AGES..............Teens - Adults
TIME...............12 - 3 pm
COST..............$95/105 (nm)

December 4 and 11

Two-Day Workshop

67. Essential Oils for the Holidays
Melinda Boyer

In the first week you will learn how to unlock the power of essential oils and put them to work for you. We’ll discuss the history of essential oils and aromatherapy, then we’ll delve into the properties and uses of 10 basic essential oils. The second week will present tips on blending and creating bath salts and bath oils. Everyone will put together their own bath salt, massage oil and a perfume blend. This class will meet in the Gallery in Bronte Bistro at Joseph-Beth Booksellers.
AGES..............14 yrs to Adult
TIME...............6 - 8 pm
COST..............$55/65 (nm)

December 9

One-Day Workshop

68. Holiday Wreath Making
Melinda Boyer

You will craft a colorful and stunning, scented holiday wreath, using preserved evergreens, lavender, rosemary, dried strawflowers, larkspurs, and globe amaranth topped with German statice. All materials and plenty of expert guidance will be provided. Melinda will also have some add-ons for you to purchase if you wish.
TIME...............6 - 9 pm
COST..............$50/60 (nm)

Sunday, September 21, 2008

09/21/08 - Academic Art Instruction - Where Can I Get This?

Academic Art Instruction is all the rage now. Some call it the Atelier Method. The word "atelier" is French for "artists studio": which makes it obvious the roots of this movement go back to the French Academic movement (but much further back if you trace their inspiration). be continued, hopefully by guest bloggers and collaborators!

(add to this blog post - email me and I 'll tell you how!)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

09/18/08 - Art Instruction - Excellent Post and Comments of Gurney Journery about drawing from Plaster Casts

James Gurney is an amazing artist and has a great learning resource - his personal art blog Gurney Journey.

Here he talks about every imaginable aspect of art; from fine art oil painters technique from17th century Europe to building a maquette of a man riding a dinosaur. He is most well known for multi book series Dinotopia but here is a link to an interesting post he put up about the decline of cast drawing after iconoclasts destroyed many in the 40s and 5os. The post is good but the discussion it provokes is even better! Damn those iconoclasts - can't we all just get along?


Contact me if you will join in on a campaign to try and get this marvelous speaker and artist to come lecture/demo for one of our area Art Programs (UK, EKU, BEREA, TRANSY? )- he has two speaking engagement openings in April if we can consolidate support and get a plan together!

09/17/08 - Professional - Job Links

Do what you love. Love what you do. No, not this: Money, Monyeyeee , Money. Do it for the LOVE.
This page should get a lot of updating. To do what you love you need to get paid for it - so the necessity for finding an employer who loves what you do! Please comment on how this should be organized or if you see ways to make it work better.

09/12/08 - Video Games
At his recent talk at Jo-Beth R.A. Salvatore explained that the gaming industry currently makes more money than the music and movie industry put together!

Company Name:
Wizards of the Coast
Trading cards, Gaming, Novels, Guide Books
Visual artists, writers, programmers
Submission guidelines (games, novels, art):
Famous employee:
R.A. Salvatore
, fantasy novelist, Sal Villagran, Lexington area painter

09/16/08 - My Trip to Frazetta Tribute thanks to the NCS

Somehow our little group got the attention of the Great Lakes Chapter of the National Cartoonist Society. This is the crem de le crem of cartooning groups and was founded by the big boys in syndicated comics back when they were powerhouses of income for the newspaper industry names such as Milton Caniff, Alex Raymond and Mort Walker were well known around the country. An aside: Caniff is known to have outbargained Randolph Hearst when he dictated his own terms for his new comic strip Steve Canyon, Hearst knew he couldn't say no and lose such a bread and butter staple to his syndicates success.

A small group of us, John, Justin and I, jumped at the chance to attend the casual summer NCS luncheon in Lebanon, OH that Craig Boldman, chapter president, had invited us to. This was so that we could tell about our then upcoming LexArts/CCG comic art show. It was during the announcement phase of the meeting that I heard about the request for submissions to a Frank Frazetta Tribute Book Project that another NCS member was organizing and soliciting submissions for. After getting back from that highly enjoyable lunch meeting; I was filled with happiness - talking with so many knowledgeable grown-ups who shared my passion and interest in comics and cartooning had me feeling almost guilty with joy.

But the thought of getting to let Frank Frazetta know how much he had influenced my young artist mind was really getting me stoked up! I emailed Craig for the particulars soon after getting home. Upon getting the information - I was thrilled to see this endeavor included a luncheon where one could actually meet the living legend! Now I was on cloud nine! To make this story short - I was once again pleasantly surprised when my meager art offering was accepted by Jack Pittman for the the tribute book he was lovingly hand assembling to present to Frank.

Saturday August 30th 2008: My trip to East Stroudsburg and to the Frazetta Museum, was not without a few glitches and this made me miss the luncheon and getting to talk with many of the assembled NCS cartoonists - something I truly regret. But I did get there in time for the presentation to Frank of the NCS - Milton Caniff Lifetime Achievement Award.

(Picture here was my art sub and Franks award) Which appeared to stun and touch Frank when his long time friend Nick Meglin presented it to him.

Frank turned eighty this past February and is still recovering from a stroke a couple of years back. He has taught himself to paint left handed nearly as well as he could before using his right hand. His originals are striking in their unusual quality for oils - very smooth - not much texture or impasto. He apparently loved baseball so much that most of his works were completed in under 24 hours - he would work through the night so he could go out in the morning and play ball. He is a very normal sort of guy other than being a savant artist (he could do all this when he was five years old!) But I was amazed at his friendly, down to earth demeanor - not what one would expect from a "living legend"!

He looked at one of my self rejected sketches for his tribute book and asked: "Who did that?" When I told him I had - he replied "..thats good!" I don't think I will ever forget those words of praise. Thanks Frank!

Other Frazetta tribute posts: (send me your links if you want to be added!)
Ron Hill - Great Lakes Chapter of the NCS

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

09/16//08 - Location Sketching - Goddess Reunion Tour

Local art dynamo, Theo Edmonds, clued me into to this cool chance to draw and paint some wonderfully colorful people enjoying their lives and their art!

If you want to draw and be recognized for your efforts give Theo a heads up that you want to attend and participate. Then he can add your name to the list and give and get some improved internet promotion!

Here's the info straight from the tri-city visual arts list serve (thanks to Anna Brzyski at UK!):

-a bold and funky outsider art happening

Producing Host: Theo Edmonds and Donna Ison

Type: Visual Art/ Poetry/Theatrical
<> - Performance <>

Date: Monday, September 22, 2008
Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm

Location: the old Heritage Antiques Building across from Dunkin Donuts
Street:238 East Main Street
City/Town: Lexington, KY

Usher in Autumn with a glam happening of art, poetry, theater, dancing, and drumming. Join us on the equinox for a party that is bound to release your inner deity.

Includes art show of several known and soon to be known Lexington artists. (that's us boys and goils!)

Poetry Performances by:
  • Katerina Stoykova-Klemer
  • Sumayya Rashid

And... the highlight of the evening... an original theatrical performance piece written by Donna Ison that will introduce the world to Myrtle... Jesus' own Auntie Mame and the Virgin Mary's twin who was written out of the Bible. Also included in the performance piece will be re-introductions to Mother Mary (the archetypal virgin/ good girl with all the pros/cons that entails) and Mary Magdalene (the archetypal whore/bad girl with all the pros/cons that entails).

The whole evening will be set to the music of Nina Simone and Freddy Mercury. So dress in your most glam goddess fashion and join in the drumming, dancing and divine fun as the equinox rises upon us.
Admission is free. Cash bar and catering provided by Mia's.

Setting: The Garden of the Goddesses (a kind of Vegas meets Eden).

Monday, September 15, 2008

09/15/08 - Location Sketching - East Indian Dance Performance

Update: 9/16/08
- this was a great event! Krithika Rajagopalan of the Natya Dance Theater of Chicago both instructed and entertained a small, but riveted group of students, professors and families from our local Indo community. Many thanks to her for sharing an art form she clearly holds dear.

Jump over to my personal art blog by clicking here to see some of my sketches (have to scan) and some photos from the event.

I am constantly looking for events or opportunities where local artists, including myself, can draw, sketch, or paint from life. This is in adjunct to regular life drawing sessions I attend throughout the week. These other opportunities are a chance to study the figure in clothing and in action - two aspects missing from standard nude life drawing sessions.

Today, Monday 9/15/08 (5-6:15 & 7-8pm) at the Recital Hall of the UK Singletary Center For the Arts, there will be a free event that should be great for lots of visual artists that enjoy/take advantage of the the benefits of LOCATION SKETCHING.

Bharata Natnam Performance. Lecture and demo. Performance follows after a 45 minute break. Sponsored by the University of Kentucky Asia Center and the University of Kentucky Department of Theater.

Today is a prime example of a great chance to study a number of items:
  • the clothed figure and how wrinkles fold and drape
  • the figure in an aesthetic and repetitive movement - dance
  • an exotic and foreign culture to the standard American fare
If you go, be a courteous artist and keep a low profile, clean up after yourself and ask before assuming anything. I have not contacted the hosts to discuss sketching on site so please follow good etiquette and request approval before starting. I am hopeful that as long as we are low-key and not a distraction that there should not be any problems.

Tips for capturing the moving figure:
  • Look for poses that repeat and that you will be able to view again. Try several at one time on your page - coming back to each as you see and learn more.
  • Take a mental snapshot - close your eyes and hold the image of the figure in your head - then open your eyes and transfer to your paper.
  • Share your tips with others - leave a comment on this blog. Look for links to my work or others.... here.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

09/13/08 - UK Community Arts Group Gallery Show - Year TWO!

This is a project that I helped with and participated in last year (photo gallery of last years's show courtesy of Sung Ha Kang) and am really looking forward to doing so again for this year! Thanks to UK Art Department Chair, Ben Withers and rock-star Fiber Arts Professor Arturo Sandoval for their generosity and assistance in helping make this opportunity happen then and now!

Participation open for all for all current attendees of open life drawing sessions! See link at bottom to reserve your space.


As provided by Arturo Sandoval, Barnhart Gallery Director, are as follows
  • September 27-29, 2008 (UPDATED 9/16/08): Setup Dates. Group set up Saturday 9/27/08 in the time we usually draw - 9am to 12 (best time for all to set up) - I will simultaneously be doing digital acquisition of images to facilitate the Hub video wall show in November!
  • October 1-10, 2008, Exhibition dates.
  • October 3rd, 2008 (Updated 9/30/08): Friday 6-9pm Reception will have food and drink served. Sign up to contribute a dish here and check on what is already promised here.
  • October 11th, 2008, Take down date.


Volunteers are needed to help with the following:

  • Reception setup and coordination
  • Registration and division of gallery space for individual artists
  • Distribution of promotional material, posters and show cards
General Information:

The show will be "salon style" there will be a 4" wide black paper mount wrapped around the gallery walls - this is your display area (exception some may request one of three or four floor stands for objects or booklet display). Space will be allocated based on total number committing to display. Last year everyone had approximately a 10' x 48" area to display in (enough for several images - bring more than you need to hang so we can be sure and fill the walls). See photo gallery of last year if this unclear.

You will also need to:
  • produce a short artist statement (to fit on a letter size page (max) & mount with your art
  • sign and turn in the simple release form before displaying your work
Online Sign Up:

Reserve your space for Community Arts Group display!
  • in Barnhart Gallery (October 1-11, 2008) and/or
  • digital video wall display in the Hub @ WT's (November 1-30, 2008). Click here to see a video about the Hub - a new concept in library space for the University.

Contact info:

Community Arts Group

UK Department of Art

UK Libraries

Friday, September 12, 2008

09/12/08 - ScareFest - Horror & Paranormal Convention Starts Today!

Don't know much about this but it looks like it could be lots of FUN! Serious paranormal advocates mixed with nerdy horror buffs - what's not to love!


The Scare Fest will be held September 12-14, 2008

Friday from 4:00 pm - 10:00 pm ( Early Entry: 3PM )
Saturday from 11:00 am - 8:00 pm ( Early Entry: 10AM )
Sunday from 10:00 am - 6:00 pm ( Early Entry: 9AM )

Here's the link to their site:

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

09/10/08 - Joseph Beth Guest Author Talk - Danica Novgordoff Discuss her Graphic Novel

CCG folk: we may be having a special event with this author/cartoonist - please contact me if interested!

Online RSVP form

Check your input & see who else is coming.
nother post straight from Jo-Beth's calendar:

Danica Novgorodoff, this young woman is an Eisner Award nominated cartoonist and a graphic designer for First Second Publishing. She worked on Matt Madden and Jessica Able's excellent College Text for Cartoonists: Drawing Words & Writing Pictures. I hope to get her to speak to the CCG gang while she is in town - stay tuned for more! Apparently she has some Kentucky connections or roots?


discusses and signs
Slow Storm

Sunday, September 21st at 2:00 pm

Ursa, firefighter in rural Kentucky, searches for her place in life, struggling to meet her own expectations. When a tornado hits her town, the ensuing chaos brings her world into sharp focus, somehow making everything clearer, and Ursa finds that she just can't stomach the way her life is going. It is then that she meets Rafi, an illegal immigrant whose life isn't going the way he'd pictured it either. Their encounter is the catalyst for Ursa and Rafi, who take different roads to the realization that wanting your life to change isn't enough to make it happen. A new and exciting graphic novel set in Kentucky!

JB Lexington Directions & Hours

Joseph-Beth Booksellers
161 Lexington Green Cir # B
Lexington, KY 40503
(859) 273-2911

Store and Bistro Hours:
Monday through Thursday, 9:00 am to 10:00 pm
Friday and Saturday, 9:00 am to 11:00 pm
Sunday, 11:00 am to 9:00 pm

Directions to Joseph-Beth in Lexington:

From I-75/I-64:
Take the KY-922 exit- ext 115- toward BG Parkway/Airport/Lexington; Merge onto Newtown Pike/KY-922 S toward Lexington/Airport/Keeneeland; Merge onto W New Circle Rd/KY-4 W toward BG Parkway/Airport; Take the Nicholasville Rd/US-27 exit- Exit 19- toward Lexington/Nicholasville; Turn Right onto Nicholasville Rd/US-27; Turn Right onto Lexington Green Circle

09/10/08 - Joseph Beth Book Signing R.A. Salvatore

This event comes straight from the Joseph-Beth calendar.

(Now defunct) CrossGen comics and (still around) Checkers (I think?) and others have published comic adaptations of this fantasy authors works. Worked for TSR, now Wizards of the Coast - has a very strong and loyal fan base; most likely from his frequent involvement in his online reader community and advocating good fantasy stories suitable for the broad market (as examplified by his body of work).

discuss & sign

The Stowaway: Stone of Tymora Bk I
Friday, September 12th at 7:00 pm

Tickets are required and available with the purchase of this title.

Nearly two decades ago, R.A. Salvatore introduced the world to Drizzt Do'Urden - a character that has since become a fantasy icon. Now, for the first time, Salvatore partners with his son Geno to craft a brand-new saga just for young readers, featuring a cameo from the most beloved fantasy character of all time.

JB Lexington Directions & Hours

Joseph-Beth Booksellers
161 Lexington Green Cir # B
Lexington, KY 40503
(859) 273-2911

Store and Bistro Hours:
Monday through Thursday, 9:00 am to 10:00 pm
Friday and Saturday, 9:00 am to 11:00 pm
Sunday, 11:00 am to 9:00 pm

Directions to Joseph-Beth in Lexington:

From I-75/I-64:
Take the KY-922 exit- ext 115- toward BG Parkway/Airport/Lexington; Merge onto Newtown Pike/KY-922 S toward Lexington/Airport/Keeneeland; Merge onto W New Circle Rd/KY-4 W toward BG Parkway/Airport; Take the Nicholasville Rd/US-27 exit- Exit 19- toward Lexington/Nicholasville; Turn Right onto Nicholasville Rd/US-27; Turn Right onto Lexington Green Circle

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

09/10/08 - Jockey Life Drawing Session - Secretariat Horse Festival

Salina Ramsay, a local equestrian, teacher and artist, brought this exciting event to my attention. And I think all of us Kentucky based artists could some practice drawing on the wonderful horse racing tradition of our commonwealth.

To assist and support this event I created a PDF flier specifically for the drawing/painting (which runs from UPDATED again! 9/18/08: new time: 1:00am - 3:00pm) portion of the event.

Use this Google map link to get directions - it is called Bourbon Park, 30 Legion Street, Paris KY 40361


This will be our 2nd Annual BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL!
  • The date is Sunday September 28th.
  • The times are 1:30pm - 4:30pm.
  • The location: Updatded: The new Northside Branch Library - Multi Purpose Room.
  • Bring your work to have reviewed
  • Bring your basic drawing/writing - journaling supplies for creative exercises

Come join us for a celebration of the:
  1. comic form, comic strips, gag and editorial cartoons
  2. illustration and graphic design
  3. traditional animation and 3-d animation
  4. and conceptual art for film, gaming and industry


Our group is a professional and amateur member association open to any (middle school age and older) candidate - those with experience or just a desire to learn. This special meeting is targeted at returning High School and College students coming back for another exciting year of learning. We want to be part of that and can offer assistance in many aspects of the developing artist. We are looking for students to sponsor school chapters of the CCG in their home institutions.

We welcome Art and English teachers to come visit or contact us for assistance in comics based curriculum.

Stay tuned for more information or email us at if you have any questions!

09/09/08 - Gallery Show - Woodcuts by Wesley Bates and Other Works

Local Illustrator Laura Lee Cundfiff sent me this and I thought it looked pretty interesting!

You are cordially invited to the opening and artists’ reception for the Gallery Exhibit at Elk Creek Vineyards [in which I will have a few pieces].

"Carved Surfaces"

Featuring the works of Wesley Bates, Jennifer Zingg and Bob Gibson.

This exhibit honors the collaboration between Wesley Bates and Larkspur Press.
Also on display will be the work of a few of the students he has inspired over the years here in Kentucky including Laura Lee Cundiff.

Saturday September 20th 5pm - 7pm

The exhibit will be on display through October 31st where a closing reception will be held. (Note: Wesley Bates and Juanita Wilkins will be here, and Juanita Wilkins will perform at the closing reception.)

Click here to see the invitation on the Web and to get directions:

Note: Google, mapquest and yahoo all map the location incorrectly.
Please feel free to forward this to anyone you think would like to come!

Laura Lee Cundiff

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

CG Hub

This is just a quick blurb on my part. I found a link to a place called CG Hub tonight. As best as I can tell at just some cursory skimming, it's a site to get artists connected with entertainment companies (i.e. Blizzard, animation studios, games, etc.). I felt the need to share it with you guys. Check it out when you have the time.